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Statement on Abortion Slush Fund in NYS Budget

Following is a statement by Kristen Curran, director of government relations for the New York State Catholic Conference on the inclusion of a $25 million so-called “Reproductive Freedom & Equity” grant program for abortion providers in the enacted 2024-25 New York State Budget: “In a difficult budget year amid continued economic uncertainty, New York lawmakers […]

The post Statement on Abortion Slush Fund in NYS Budget first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.

Catholic Schools Fare Well in State Budget

New York State’s Catholic schools will benefit from increased support under the recently enacted state budget. Governor Hochul and legislative leaders provided significant increases in several programs that serve religious and independent schools. The most notable funding increases include: $25 million increase for Health, Safety, & Security initiatives (totaling $70 million); $45 million increase in […]

The post Catholic Schools Fare Well in State Budget first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.

Dignity for All Students Act

Memorandum of Opposition Re: S3180 Hoylman-Sigal / A1829 Jean-Pierre  Includes private, independent and religious schools under the provisions of the “Dignity for All Students Act” The above referenced legislation would force the state’s religious and independent schools to comply with the provisions of Chapter 482 of the Laws of 2009, despite the clear and explicit […]

The post Dignity for All Students Act first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.

Surrogacy Programs and Agreements

Memorandum of Opposition Re: A4921-C Paulin / S5107-C Hoylman-Sigal  Relates to surrogacy programs and agreements The above referenced bill makes technical “corrections” to the dangerous and misguided law which legalized paid surrogacy in 2020. Nothing can correct such an inherently horrible public policy as commercial surrogacy. The New York State Catholic Conference opposes this legislation. Legal […]

The post Surrogacy Programs and Agreements first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.

Statewide Visitation Initiative

Memorandum of Support Re: S8661 Hoylman-Sigal  Relates to the establishment of a statewide supervised visitation initiative The above-referenced legislation would direct the office of children and family services, in consultation with the office for the prevention of domestic violence, to establish a statewide supervised visitation initiative. The initiative would include culturally sensitive services and require […]

The post Statewide Visitation Initiative first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.

Expansion of Hate Crime Criteria

Memorandum of Support Re: A6929 McGowan / S7040 Weber Expands the criteria for a hate crime  The above referenced bill expands the criteria for a hate crime to include trespass committed at a house of worship. The New York State Catholic Conference strongly supports this legislation. Current geopolitical events, culture wars and societal divisions have […]

The post Expansion of Hate Crime Criteria first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.

Water Charges for Hospitals & Charities in NYC

Memorandum of Support Re: A9670 Dais Extends the effectiveness of certain provisions relating to the establishment of certain water charges for hospitals and charities in New York City The above-referenced bill would extend a reduction in water charges that has long been offered to hospitals and other charitable organizations in New York City. The New […]

The post Water Charges for Hospitals & Charities in NYC first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.

State Agency Contracts with Non-Profits

Memorandum of Support Re: S4877 Mayer / A2740 Paulin Reduces the number of days for a state agency to register contracts with not-for-profit organizations to 30; defines registered contracts The above-referenced bill would ensure a timely procurement process for nonprofits by requiring state agencies to register their contracts within 30 days. The New York State […]

The post State Agency Contracts with Non-Profits first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.

Increases Library Materials Aid

Memorandum of Support Re: S8478-A Chu Increases Library Materials Aid to $11 per pupil with annual adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index  The above referenced bill would increase the current per-pupil state aid rate to $6.25 to $11 beginning in the 2025 school year, with subsequent increases based on the Consumer Price Index. The […]

The post Increases Library Materials Aid first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.

Statement on Physician-Assisted Suicide Legislation

Following is a statement from Dennis Poust, executive director of the New York State Catholic Conference, regarding physician-assisted suicide legislation (A-995-B Paulin / S2445-B Hoylman-Sigal) in the state legislature: “There are countless reasons to oppose physician-assisted suicide that have nothing to do with one’s religious beliefs. “For one, the idea itself, while shrouded in warm […]

The post Statement on Physician-Assisted Suicide Legislation first appeared on New York State Catholic Conference.