200 Club

Respect Life News:

200 Club Membership continues! We thank everyone for their continued support as we move into our 24th year! Hopefully all current ticket holders have been contacted for new year. Weekly drawings begin May 9 - Ticket money must be in by June 1. We sincerely appreciate members' continued support. There may be some tickets available! Please call Pam at (716) 785-7195 for more information. 
Please turn in all ticket money and stubs ASAP to Marlene & Patrick Bartram, 978 Virginia Drive, Alden. If possible, text (preferably) or call Marlene at (716) 984-4829 if you are coming with your returns.

2019-20 Drawing Announcement!
The 200 Club Big Prize Drawing was held at St. John’s Rectory on May 11, 2020. Collectors present to witness drawing: Audrey and Russ Fuller, Sandy and Jim Conrad, Barb and John Ertel. Before drawing, balls were counted and verified that all 200 numbers were available.
Winners drawn: 
                     Winner:                                                 Seller:
$500.00       #13     Sr. Ellen McCarthy                       Turton
$500.00       #120   Bill Pettit                                       Conrad
$250.00       #1       Fr. Jim Ciupek                              Turton
$250.00       #149   Dennis/Antoinette Wrest              LaVarnway
$100.00       #16     Anna Gilbert                                 M. Ley
$100.00       #33     Marlene Carlson                           Fuller
$100.00       #86     Marsha Bugajski                          Turton
$50.00         #130   Jim Conrad                                  Conrad
$50.00         #48     Jerry Warner                                Ertel
$50.00         #171   Marlene Bartram                          Ertel
$50.00         #76     Jill Kotas Depczynski                    Bartram
Sandy Conrad is calling winners and Kate W. at Rectory said checks will go out this week. This concludes our 23rd year. Congratulations to all winners! 

Unfortunately, the Dinner Dance must be indefinitely postponed - Banquets are impossible for the near future. We’re sad to miss our dinner/dance this year, but it's just not possible during these trying times. We were planning to recognize Cheryl Calire (along with a few others) this year. Cheryl is the Director of Pro-Life Ministry for Diocese. She runs the St. Mother Teresa Home in Buffalo, directs the St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Outreach, is available 24/7 for women/families in need, and been a tremendous supporter of our Parish Pro-Life activities for years. In lieu of banquet at this time, our 200 Club is donating $500 in Cheryl’s name for the Home and Outreach. They especially need help these days and are very appreciative of our donation. Thank you to all!


Cemetery of Innocents