Respect Life

All Parish Jr. & Sr High Students in our community are most welcome and encouraged to participate! It’s a great opportunity for youth, with their families, to explore and more fully understand the Truth; We respect all life from the moment of conception to natural death!

Student Letters - We are looking for any nicely done letters written to the sick in our Parish, a healthcare worker, or a political leader - we are asking for all letters to be ready to mail! Thank you so much for your additions to this project to brighten their days!

-Pam Turton
*If you'd like to be involved in any Respect Life activities, please give Pam a call!  

"God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end; no one can, under any circumstance, claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being." -Catechism of the Catholic Church #2258


 Are you pregnant and in need of help?

Why Life Ministries in Alden can help.  Click HERE to go to their website and see the services they provide, and how to contact them.

For resources in the Buffalo area, contact the Buffalo Diocese Office of Pro-Life activities at 716-847-2205 or click HERE for their website.


Are you in need of help after an abortion?

There is healing and forgiveness for you.  

If you are a woman who has had an abortion and need help, please click HERE for help through Project Rachel, HERE for help through Silent No More.

If you are a man who has lost a child to abortion, please click HERE for help through the Men and Abortion Network.


Did you know New York legislators have introduced legislation similar to Oregon's assisted suicide law? 

Please click HERE to find out what is happening in the New York legislature.

Please click HERE for more news on assisted suicide.

Please click HERE for Church teaching and guidance on end-of-life issues.


Did you know there is a committee working in Washington, D.C. for a Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA) is also involved with and reports on other pro-life legislation in Congress.  Click HERE to read their current Legislative Report on their website.  Also, on the left-hand side of the site, you will find a list of other life issues.  Click on each one to read about proposed or current legislation, briefing pages, and links to other sites for more information.  The "Action Alerts" tab at the top of the page provides information on legislation being considered regarding life issues and how you can take action.

January 27, 2018!   March for Life, Washington DC
(Must be registered before Dec 1, 2017.  Contact Mrs. Pam Turton, see front of bulletin for phone number)
The March for Life is a peaceful demonstration to share the truth
concerning the greatest human rights violation of our time, legalized abortion on demand.

March For Life 2018!

Aware of Winter Storm Jonas forecast to hit the east coast, 18 pilgrims from St. John's departed the morning of Thursday, January 21 on the diocesan bus to Washington, D.C. with the hope of marching the next day.  Our plans were set: Thursday afternoon/evening our Youth Group would tour the Saint John Paul II National Shrine, eat a Chik-Fil-A box dinner on the bus and drive to George Mason University where we would attend the "Life is Very Good" Evening of Prayer.  Friday morning, we would attend Mass at the DC Armory with Bishop Malone and other Youth Groups from Buffalo, then go to the Washington Monument for a rally beginning at noon.  The March would begin from there, heading east along the National Mall and ending at the US Supreme Court building.

Well, Thursday's events went as planned.  We arrived in Washington, driving right by the Washington Monument where the March would start:

After checking into the hotel, the Youth Group's activities started at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine:


The building houses a Chapel wherein is a relic of the Saint; museum galleries where highlights of his life are presented; many beautiful mosaics and a statue of Saint John Paul II:

Time was tight, so we didn't get to spend nearly enough time to see everything at the shrine.  We boarded the bus and ate dinner on the way to the "Life is Very Good" Evening of Prayer.  This event began with contemporary Christian music:

Normally, the arena would be full.  The empty seats were evidence that many groups had cancelled the trip due to the weather forecast.  But we hearty Saint John's pilgrims enjoyed the show!

The music was followed by Eucharistic Adoration.  What an experience to be in such a large venue with so many people yet all on their knees and silent in adoration of Our Lord:

After a period of quiet prayer, more musicians provided music:

The evening ended around 10 pm and we boarded the bus for the hotel.  It had been a long day of travel and activities.  We were all looking forward to the March tomorrow, but sometimes what you plan doesn't work out...

Friday morning we gathered in the hotel lobby at 7am, ready to go when we learned that plans had changed and we were to stay put while final decisions were made.

We continued to wait...

Decisions were made:  we would attend the Buffalo Diocese Mass at the hotel, board the buses at 10:30 and head out of town by 11.  We were all disappointed, but understood that those responsible for our well-being wanted us to return home safely.  

The Mass was a Mass/Breakfast for those who had signed up beforehand.  Therefore, we filed in to be the "standing room only" crowd, lining the walls of the conference room while we waited for Mass to begin:


Mass began, with several diocesan priests in attendance.

When it was over, we had some time to go for a short walk and a cup of coffee.  Then we got on the bus and headed out of town, driving by the Washington Monument (the weather was still clear-your correspondent's 2G non-smart phone doesn't take very good photos - it's been dropped too many times):


We were disappointed to have missed the March, but glad to be safe and together.  Those of us on the Buffalo Diocese buses had a "virtual March for Life" beginning at noon. We all prayed the Rosary and, on our bus, we prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet and sang songs.  In addition, those who felt moved to do so shared their experiences related to life issues.  One pilgrim who helps post-abortive women find healing and forgiveness spoke movingly of the pain these women are in and how important it is for us not to forget that they are also victims of the Culture of Death and need our prayers.  Others spoke about personal experiences with adoption and helping women in crisis pregnancies choose life.  We were reminded that it is no longer just babies in the womb who need to be protected; the "Assisted Suicide" movement is gaining strength in around the country.  Even though we were unable to participate in the March, we spent these hours finding spiritual enrichment, thanks to the leadership of our bus captain, Raephaelle

Instead of arriving home at 3 am, we pulled into St. John's parking lot at 9 pm, so that was a positive result of missing the March for Life 2016.  I'm already thinking of next year's trip!! Why don't you come along?

(thanks to Maria, Jean and Brandon for the high-quality photos)



Respect Life History at St. John the Baptist

St. John's Respect Life program was founded by the late Norman Geiger in the mid 1970s. Mr. Geiger and Mr. Joseph Blind devoted themselves tirelessly to the great cause of life.  The work of the founders continues by sharing information about the sacredness of life from conception to natural death.  Frequently, literature is made available in the entrance of the church. 

Here is some of the great work our organization has been doing in the past.

Members prayerfully and peacefully join others in a National Life Chain on Niagara Falls Blvd holding signs that state "Abortion Kills Children." 

 Oct 2015 National Life ChainOct 2015 Naitonal Life Chain

In the fall of the year, the Cemetery of Innocents is constructed between the church and the rectory displaying approximately 330 crosses (the average number of abortions performed in New York State each day).

 Oct 2015 Cemetary of Innocents

National Night of Prayer for Life held in December

Many of us join others from around our great nation to show our collaborative effort in the Annual March for Life in Washington, DC

Baby Shower from Mother's Day until Father's Day to collect donations for area pregnancy centers

Prayer in the Park In June.

We also send mailings to our elected officials voicing our concerns about government decisions in the area of LIFE.

Please join us in praying for a world where human life will always be loved and defended. 

For the Respect Life Calendar of Events, click here.

Prayer to End Abortion

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life and for the lives of all my brothers and sisters.
I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion,
Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son.
I am ready to do my part in ending abortion.
Today I commit myself Never to be silent, Never to be passive, Never to be forgetful of the unborn.
I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, and Never to stop defending life until all my brothers and sisters are protected,
and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty and justice not just for some, but for all,
Through Christ, our Lord.  Amen!Youth for Life