Music Ministry


The Choir is comprised of parish members who voice their praise of God in inspired songs of prayer and praise.  The choir serves to enrich the quality of congregational participation and sings are the Sunday 9:30 a.m. liturgy and at special liturgical and para-liturgical events throughout the year.  Regular practices are held on Thursday evenings at 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the church. Please let the choir director, Mr. Dan Stachelski, know if you would like to add your talent to the Choir!


Folk Group

The Parish Folk Group came into existence during the leadership of Father Gary Kibler in the early 1970s.  The group, whose main function is to plan and provide musical/guitar accompaniment for parish liturgies, usually assists at Saturday evening Mass.  In addition to the weekend Mass, the group plans and coordinated an annual Children's Mass on Christmas Eve, inviting children of the parish to sing and perform along with them.  The folk group is always open to new members; while no specific membership requirements or training is necessary, a love of singing and/or knowledge of music is a plus!  The folk group rehearses at 3:15 p.m. (prior to singing at the 4:00 p.m. Mass) on Saturdays, and as needed for special occasions. 


Contemporary Group / Choir

Our Music Director, Mr. Dan Stachelski, is organizing a new Contemporary Group that will sing at the 11:00 am Mass on Sundays to compliment the Youth Mass.  Musical youth are strongly encouraged to participate in this ensemble. Both singers and instrumentalists are welcome! Please contact Mr. Stachelski is you are interested in joining. 


"My goal in ministry has always been to bring people closer together and closer to the Lord through music. Anything that I can do to make this a reality is a blessing to me. I hope that we can continue to grow our music ministry together, now and in the future."

                    Yours in Christ,

                    Daniel A. Stachelski, III

                    St. John’s Music Director